International Conference on Renewable Energy

17th & 18th August 2024 in Lisbon, Portugal

Call for Papers

As a Scientific Research Conference Organizers, The Global Academic Research Institute proudly organized International Conference on Renewable Energy (ICRE 2024) under the theme of “Renewable Energy Future Challenges and Directions”. Renewable Energy is one of the most important challenges that the world must address urgently. Governments and private companies are expanding investments in this field and the research is moving very quickly in several ways. We welcome proposals for papers and invitations for abstract submissions are now open for both Oral and Poster presentations covering current research and new processes.All contribution should be of high quality. During the review period, Papers will be reviewed by eminent scholars in the respective areas. Two types of submissions are invited:

  • 01. Full papers reporting on original and unpublished research.
  • 02. Work-in-progress papers or Abstract.

The aim of Conference is to provide a platform for academics, researchers, professionals, administrators, educational leaders, policy makers, industry representatives, advanced students, and anyone in the domain of interest from around the world to discuss Renewable Energy. Please note that speakers are encouraged to submit a full paper before the conference. In addition, all the submitted full papers will be review by journal editorial board and few high-end papers will be published in international GARI e-Journal having ISSN and All Selected papers will be published conference printed proceedings & DVD having ISBN as well as conference library page.

For abstract submission fill in the online submission form or contact Presentation time allocated 20 mins (15 min presentation 05 min questions)

GARI International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research

Conference Scope


Renewable Energy Resources
Renewable Energy Conversion
Energy Storage & Energy Utilizations
Energy Management, Saving and Efficiency
Energy-Saving Technology
Advanced materials for energy storage
Photovoltaic and solar energy systems
Bioenergy and biofuels
Biomass conversion technologies
Energy Transmission and Distribution
Renewable Energy Systems in Smart Cities
Wind energy technology and impact on environment
Energy recycling systems
Hydrogen energy and fuel cell technology applications
Implementation of Education the Consumers
New Trends and Technologies
Policies and legislation related to renewable energy
Safety and Security
Future Challenges and Directions
The global energy market outlook from the perspective of producers and consumers
The geopolitics of the global energy market and the impact of changes in the Middle East, North Africa and Eurasia
The re-integration of Libya and Iran into the global oil/gas market, the investment/business opportunities, and risks associated with that Alternative ways to respond to the energy supply disruption
The economics and feasibility of alternative sources of energy for different economies : renewable energy and nuclear energy Assessment of the achievements of the global environment agenda
The way forward for energy access for the most vulnerable segments of the world population
Green Renewable Energy Systems (GRES) as Solar Energy, Wind Power, Hydropower, Geothermal Energy, Wave Energy
Renewable Energy Research and Applications for Industries
Hybrid Green Renewable Energy Systems
Renewable Energy in Strategic Sectors: Solar and Geo-thermal Water Desalination, Photovoltaic Application and Electricity Production (SMART GRIDS), Solar Heating and Air Conditioning
Challenges in GRES and Future Strategies and Directions for Policy Makers

Important Dates


Abstract Submission Deadline
25th June  2024
Notification of Acceptance
Within 03 Days
Full Paper Submission Deadline
15th July 2024
Registration Deadline
20th July 2024

Submission Guideline


Full Paper
Abstract Submission Template
Every presentation give 20min allocated (15min presentation & 05min questions)

Registration Fees


All Participant Registration EURO
Delegate Presenter/Author (Oral/Poster) €290
Delegate Student Presenter/Author (Oral/Poster) €250
Virtual / Accompanying Person €230
Delegate Listener €235
E-Poster / Additional Paper €165




Lisbon, Portugal
Lisbon, Portugal